Oct 1, 3 Liturgies

Oct 1 2017, Hope Church, Liturgy

No welcome, no prayers, no scripture readings.
  1. "Your Love Never Fails" - Jesus Culture
  2. "Always" - Kristian Stanfill
  3. "Holy Holy Holy", sung slowly, no drums, no accapella, acoustic all 4 times
  4. "The Great I Am" Phillips Craig and Dean

#2 WSBC Liturgy, 3.19.2017
Preparation Song: Here is LoveWelcomeScriptural Call to Worship: Lamentations 3:22-23Hymn O Worship the King
Hymn Across the Lands
Prayer of Praise
Scripture Reading Exodus 34:1-9 antiphonal
Prayer of Confession:
Scriptural Assurance of Pardon: John 11:25-26Hymn I Hear the Words of Love
Hymn What Wonderous Love is This
Pastoral Prayer and Prayer of Petition
Hymn How Sweet and Awful is the PlacePrayer of Thanks / OffertoryHymn Victory in the LambBenediction 

Cornerstone Oct 1, Liturgy
Welcome & announcements
Call to Worship (antiphinal) Psalm 105
Come People of the Risen King
By Faith
Scripture Reading
Holy, Holy, Holy
Corporate reading of confession of faith
Pastoral Prayer
O Great God
O Church Arise

WSBC Sermon, Oct 1:


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