Oct 8, 2 Liturgies


Oct 8 "liturgy":
 - I love You Lord
 - The Lord is Good
 - As the Deer
 - Our God (Tomlin)
 - Great is Thy Faithfulness
 - One Pure and Holy Passion

Again, the sermon hasn't posted online yet, so we'll cover the

[Cornerstone Liturgy from Oct 8]
Welcome and Announcements
Preparation for Worship (Galatians 5:25)
Antiphinal call to worship (Psalm 124, 1 Cor 5)
O Worship the King
God be merciful to me
Colossians 3:5-7, 12-17
Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Pastoral Prayer + Offertory
Sermon (Romans 812-13
The Gospel Song
Apostles Creed
Lord's Supper (Behold the Lamb)


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