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In the secret of His presence
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo1wIc8qcvE Sandra McCracken sings this too, but her syncopation is too hard to match. In the secret of His presence how my soul delights to hide! Oh, how precious are the lessons which I learn at Jesus' side! Earthly cares can never vex me, neither trials lay me low; For when Satan comes to tempt me, to the secret place I go, To the secret place I go. When my soul is faint and thirsty, 'neath the shadow of His wing There is cool and pleasant shelter, and a fresh and crystal spring; And my Savior rests beside me, as we hold communion sweet: If I tried, I could not utter what He says when thus we meet, What He says when thus we meet. Only this I know: I tell Him all my doubts, my griefs and fears; Oh, how patiently He listens! and my drooping soul He cheers: Do you think He ne'er reproves me? What a false Friend He would be, If He never, never told me of the sins which He must see, Of the sins which He must see. Would you like to know...
Thoughts on Assurance
This is likely going to be a long post. Recently Theocast has popularized the notion that your Christian experience should not be used in the assurance equation. They have some historical support for this, to be sure. So we'll consider the historical traditions surrounding this, modern day theologians, and of course the testimony of scripture. Historical Traditions Luther. "God could be the most foolish of all beings if he had given his Son and Scriptures and the Prophets and, in spite of these gifts, wanted us to remain uncertain and in doubt about our salvation. This notion is the work of the devil; its purpose is to make unbelievers and doubters out of us." (Martin Luther, WLS, 1:457 [Taken from Allison] Luther on Ecc. 9:1: "The Catholic Church explains this passage in this way: 'Even though a person is holy and righteous, he does not know whether he is in favor or in disfavor with God, but everything remains uncertain until the future, that is, ...
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