Epic Service, Oct 8, 2017, Providence Reformed, Peoria

From Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church, Oct 8, 2017

Mixed with Several Liturgical elements (scripture, prayer, confessions, sermon)

1. Rejoice, the Lord is King
2. Hear This, All Earth's Nations, 2009
     (Buy Psalter for $19 from C&C) (Also AMZN) (Listen)
3. My Soul Waits, Psalm 62, Nathan Clark George (2016)
     (Buy Album for $12, Sheet Music for $10)
4. Rise Up, O Men of God (1800s version)
5. Doxology
6. Trisagion Hymn (aka "Franklin Sanctus"), Gregory D Wilbur
    (On Youtube) (Or Bandcamp)
Then we had these Psalm and Hymns consecutively while communion was going on:

7. Psalm 22I - All Ends of Earth, Remembering Him
8. Psalm 71C - But I With Lasting Confidence
9. Psalm 98A - O Sing a New Song to the Lord
10. Hymn 573 - Am I a Soldier of the Cross
11. Hymn 580 - Lead on O King Eternal
12. Hymn 650 - I Will Sing of My Redeemer

Closing Song:

13. Be Unto Your Name (youtube)


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