Nov 5 - Liturgy

GCC, Nov 5
1. Blessed Hope (Mac Powell, Glory Revealed)
2. The Lord Is (Sovereign Grace, Psalms)
3. The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Michael Card)
4. The Love of God (Redeemer Church of the Shouls)
5. O God Our Help in Ages Past (Adam Wheatley, Hymn Book Vol 1)

1. Happy Day
2. Let it Echo
3. Closer
4. Great I Am
5. Overcome

Cornerstone Pres
1. Romans 8:28 ESV
2. CTW, Psalm 145
3. Crown Him with Many Crowns
4. How Deep the Father's Love for Us
5. SR: Ephesians 1:3-6
6. My Lord I Did Not Choose You (Matthew Smith/ Josiah Conder)
7. Heidelberg Catechism, (Question 1)
8. Pastoral Prayer / Offertory / Sermon
9. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go


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