A6 (Part 2) Social stuff


This is framed by two wisdom  proverbs (bold below)

15 The simple believes everything,
    but the prudent gives thought to his steps.
16 One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil,
    but a fool is reckless and careless.[BW: "is angry and yet feels secure"] 
17 A man of quick temper acts foolishly,
    and a man of evil devices is hated.
18 The simple inherit folly,
    but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

A few notes about the above:
 - Obviously, the frame verses (16 and 18) are concerned with the simple vs the prudent.
 - The "folly"/"foolishly" at the end of 17a and 18a is a pun in the Hebrew
 - BW's interpretation of 16b thus links it with 17a and he sees two fools sandwiched between the wisdom frame.

Now backing out, I am wondering whether you can say that lack of prudence, mixed with a bit of simplicity, actually leads to this quick temper.  I think of Mike or the pundits.  People who are "angry and yet feel secure".  This is easier for me to see than the link to the "schemer".  I suppose that actually, in the rare "-:-" verse of 14:17, I don't understand the link between these two types.  The noisy angry man and the quiet schemer.

I've noticed and antithetical parallel in the frame:
[Knowing] The prudent is crowned with knowledge, whereas the simple believes everything.
[Acting] The prudent gives thought to his steps whereas the simple inherit folly.

So, maybe the "schemer" is paralleled with the quiet knowing. And the "angry man" is paired with the loud acting?

In any case, what we can learn from this is that the angry man, in these verses, has a circular sort of thing going on: He is angry because of the folly he is inheriting.  He is not being prudent or giving thought to his steps.  But at the same time, the anger and short temper is most likely contributing to the folly he is experiencing.    He is gullible, believing everything.  He is not crowned with knowledge.  He feels secure, but he isn't.  He inherits folly.


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