Gossip notes


#3:00 definition of 3 words.

Psalm 52:1-4
Mark 7:21-22 "out of the heart... come evil thoughts... slander..."
2 Cor 12:21 "perhaps there may be quarrelling... slander..."
Gossip means your heart is sick with insecurities
Romans 1:28-32 "they are gossips, slanderers..."
Matthew Mitchell, "Winning the war against the wagging tongue"
(blog page with the outline is here: sermon outline
1 Spy: 11:13 "reveals secrets" "
(rakil) which Robert O’Connell defines as “peddler, huckster, hawker, deceiver, slanderer, defamer
Hunger for power.  Influence.  May enhance the spy's reputation.  Power to include or exclude a person.  Realize that Jesus is the most powerful.  The gospel alone can grant life.  In Him you have all the power you need.  You will always be included.  real power comes by giving life.

2 The Grumbler
Nirgan. Psalm 106:24-25. "they despised, grumbled in the wilderness, murmured in their tents"
Every workplace. Usually about authority figures.  No love.  Just complaining.  Motivation: Jealousy.
They complained about living in tents even though he was taking them to the promised land.
Exodus 16:2ff ("would that we would have died when we sat by meat pots")
Jealous of the Egyptian's comforts.  Leaders receive more recognition
Phil. 4:13. I know how to be content.  In every circumstance, how to face. Christ's power carries him.
Rather complain than endure.

3 Backstabber
Angrier and more hateful. Deliberate malicious intent to harm someone.  Reveal shameful truth of others. Motivation: revenge.

4 Chameleon
Fear of Man. Luke.

5 Busybody
Idle. Bored.  Active love.  The foolish people of the world do not exist for my entertainment.

RAGES against it:
R: Recognize that you have a problem. (26:22-23)
A: Avoid other gossips. (17:4)
G: Get accountability
E: Encourage


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