Mapping good LHP songs

LHP, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2017 at 2pm at just after the 14 minute mark.
Audrey Assad "I shall not want"

LHP, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2017 at 2pm at just after the 20 minute mark.
a gruesome death you died for me
one could barely recognize your
You were whipped for my rebellion
Beaten ...
Like a lamb led to the slaughter,
you were killed cause I was wrong

And I trace the scars of your love for me
A constant reminder of what I mean
You bore the stripes so that I know peace
Oh wounded healer
How I love you Jesus

And the wounds upon your hands and feed
Will mark you for eternity
A fountain's opened up
Where blood and water flow
And I run to find my cleansing
I run to be made whole

(carl jung? weird... audrey assad has one by this title too)

LHP, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2017 at 2pm at 25 minutes.
and he prays that my faith would not fail
always living to intercede
with groanings too deep to be uttered

there is a power that is greater
a force that is strong
a power so much greater than my sin nature


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